American Guide, (Negro Writers' Unit)
Martin Richardson, Field Worker
Greenwood, Florida
March 18, 1937
Bill Austin--he says his name is NOT Williams--is an ex-slave who gained
his freedom becaus... Read more of Bill Austin at Martin Luther King.ca
Info about the spell:
Aloura, is another God spell. This spell creates a White Smoky Energy wall around you for two seconds, enough to cast the oponents spell away. If you are a trained God Wizard or Witch, you could use the spell to repel it against the opponent or absorb it and extract a fully charged Bombarda Maxima Against the opponent.
How to cast the Spell: Think of a white energy wall halfway around you, and think of Maria, mom of Jesus coming Into your wand and put really many memories, good memories, into the wand, and then combine the memories and Maria, and shout Aloura out, and the white wall will appear.
This spell is really similar to the ordinary wizard spell: Defenca, but is much more defencive in quality, and more frightening against Evil.