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Damiana Botanical Name: Turnera Di
Evening Primrose (10% Gla) {oenothera
Psychic Powers Ointment #2
Spring Equinox
Dragon's Blood Ink
To Undo A Love Spell
Lavender Bath
Yarrow Amatory Charm
Birch Sweet {betula Lenta}: The Birch
Tangerine {citrus Reticulata}: As The
Birth Herbs
Red Raspberry Leaf. This is an herb rich in numerous vitamins and minerals, especially iron.
It also nourishes the uterus, soothes nausea, helps prevent miscarriage, eases labor pains and
builds a healthy breast milk supply.
Nettles. This contains high levels of calcium, iron and protein, and is an excellent herb for
nourishing mothers who are feeling depleted. Oatstraw. This is high in calcium and magnesium.
It also calms nervous stress and tension, and is an effective remedy for yeast infections. Alfalfa.
This is one of the few plant sources of vitamin K (necessary for blood clotting). It also contains
eight digestive enzymes, numerous trace minerals and high quantities of vitamins A, D and E.
Chamomile. This is a great calming agent and helps with digestive disorders including nausea.
It also has some anti-inflammatory properties. Rose Hips. These are a great source of vitamin C
and help fight infection and exhaustion.
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Ylang Ylangmysticmagicspellsall magic spells, charms, talismans and herbal medication allplete {Cananga Odorata}: Some say that themysticmagicspellsall magic spells, charms, talismans and herbal medication allbination of the four
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