A woman shoots her husband.
Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes.
Finally, she hangs him.
But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together.
How can this be?
... Read more of How Can This Be? at Free Jokes.ca
Short length of black thread
This spell is intended to be used to prevent someone from causing you harm,
and also used to batten down anger.
In order to work properly it requires full concentration.
Take a short length of black thread. Tie a knot in one end, saying:
One to seek him/her/it. (Choose whichever pronoun is appropriate)
Tie a knot in the middle, saying:
One to find him/her/it
Tie a knot in the other end, saying:
One to bring him/her/it
Tie the two ends together, saying:
One to bind him/her/it
Bury the knotted thread far away from your property or drop it on a road
or waste ground far from where you live.