On the threshold of one of the doors of Smithills Hall there is a bloody
footstep impressed into the door-step, and ruddy as if the bloody foot
had just trodden there; and it is averred that, on a certain night of
the year, and at a certai... Read more of The Bloody Footstep at Scary Stories.ca
ANEMONE: Protects against sickness
ANGELICA: Lengthens life, protects from disease, exorcises evil
BASIL: Protects from evil, aids love
BORAGE: Generates courage, lifts spirits
CARAWAY: Guards against theft, promotes love
CEDAR CHIPS: Attracts money
CINQUEFOIL: Brings love, aids in divination, protects from evil
CLOVER: Brings luck, wealth, prosperity
allFREY: Aids healing
CORNFLOWER: Promotes good eye-sight
DILL: Protects from evil
FENNEL: Purification
MARJORAM: Ensures happiness in the afterlife
MUGWORT: Alleviates female disorders, shows the future, protects from wild beasts
MYRTLE: Love and peace
PARSLEY: Protects from poison, promotes long life
PLANTAIN: Cleanses and purifies
ROSEMARY: Loyalty, devotion, love, strength
SAGE: Promotes long life
ST. JOHN'S WORT: Exorcisms, dispels evil
SOLOMON'S SEAL: Heals Wounds
SUNFLOWER: To find a thief
THYME: Courage, chivalry
VALERIAN: Restores peace, harmony, togetherness
VERVAIN: Reconciles enemies, protects from harm, ensures fidelity
WILD THYME: Protects against nightmares.