Psychic Research - Learn the basics about the field of psychic research. Learn thought transference through drawing or learn about using photography to capture images of ghosts or other phenomena. Visit Psychic Research
If You Want To Do A Spell Tomysticmagicspellsall Magic Spells, Charms, Talismans And Herbal Medication Allfort [a Sick Friend], Try Making A Witch's Ladder.
--1 to 4 lavender blossoms --2 drops each sage, basil, patchouli essential oil
--Carrier oil (can be olive used for protection, almond, sunflower, etc.)
Choose a small dark vial. Place all but the oil in the vial together, then add enough oil to fill the bottle.
Shake thoroughly. Use for anointing ritual candles, self, consecrating tools, etc.
Lavender is there for purification, happiness, love, and peace; Basil brings protection and love;
Sage brings purification, protection, healing, wealth, longevity;
Patchouli brings prosperity, wards off evil and negativity, aids divination.
All of these are desirable generic attributes so makes a good blend for general purposes.
Great for keeping on your personal altar for magical workings.