Acacia: Symbolizes purity, air, and used in initiations, psychic workings,
and protection. Also viewed as a Mother tree, the gum from it symbolizing menstrual blood.
Tree of the Egyptian goddess Neith, Osirus, Astarte, Ishtar, and Diana.
Alder: Sacred to the god Bran. Represents resurrection, rebirth, and fire.
Apple: Used in love Magick and also for peace, happiness, prosperity, perpetual youth, and healing.
Represents water. Associated with Venus, Hercules, Diana, Apollo, Hera, Athena, and Idunn.
Ash: Represents water, the Universal Mother, and the source for unborn souls.
Used in healing, protection, and sea Magick. Traditional Yule log.
Associated with Poseidon, Neptune, Woden, Thor, and Mars. Aspen:
Used for phyllomancy which is divination by leaf rustling. Used for protection.
Birch: Sacred to Cerridwen and represents beginnings and births. Used for purifications and blessings.
Cedar: Used for purification, prosperity, and longevity. Represents earth, spirituality and self.
Cypress: Used for Maypoles, easing losses, healing, past life workings, and protection.
Represents earth.
Elder: A witch tree and often used to make wands.
Used for healing, love, protection, and. Sacred to the goddess Hel. Represents air.
Associated with Venus.
Elm: Represents primordial female powers. Used for protection.
Fir: Symbolizes youth and vitality. Used in prosperity magic.
Hawthorne: Called the May tree. Represents water and the White Goddess Maia.
Used for female sexuality, cleansing, marriage, love, and protection.
Hazel: Sacred to witches and the Celtic sea god Manannan.
Often used to make all-purpose wands and used in fertility, divination, marriage, protection,
and reconciliation. Symbolizes female wisdom and air. Associated with Artemis and Diana.
Holly: Represents fire. Used for protection.
Linden: Used for prophesies and protection.
Maple: Used for love and divination.
Oak: Used for healing, strength, protection, masculinity and for fertility magic. Represents fire.
Associated with Dagda, Dianus, Jupiter, Zeus, Cybele, Rhea, Janus, Cernunnos, and Herne.
Palm: Metaphor for Osiris's penis. Used for male fertility, strength, and virility.
Pine: Symbolizes immortality and represents earth. Pine cones represent fertility.
Used for purification, health, fortune, fertility, and
prosperity. Associated with Pan, Attis, Venus, and Cybele.
Rowan: Used for protection, healing, and strength. Represents fire.
Willow: Represents water. Used in moon, wishing magic, healing, protection,
enchantments, and easy delivery of babies. Associated with Artemis, Persephone,
Hecate, Ceres, Hera, and Circe.