Joseph Jacobs
There was once upon a time a poor widow who had an only son
named Jack, and a cow named Milky-white. And all they had to
live on was the milk the cow gave every morning, which they carried
to the market and sold. But one morn... Read more of JACK AND THE BEANSTALK at Children
start on a full moon at 12:00 at night
open a window and look at the full moon for about 5 min.
drink water the whole time.
now with the window still open need to close your eyes ,and sit with your legs togher like
a mermaid tail.
follow the breathing pattern:breath in for 3 seconds,hold breath for 3 seconds ,breath out for 3
seconds,hold breath for 3 seconds.repeat throughout meditation.
consintrate on your breathing till you reach the darkness.
now see yourself under the ocean.make things feel,look,and smell as real as you can.
look around the ocean scean for a few miniuts.then see a mermaid come out from distince
but make the mermaid look like you . now there are only a few possible tail colors for
deep sea mermaids they are,silver,dark blue,dark purple,teal,black,green,dark orange,and white.whatever
color tail you imagen the mermaid you with will be the color of your tail.
once you see the mermaid you ,head for the surface.when you get to the top smell the salt from the ocean
and feel the brezz on your face.
once you are there the mermaid you will follow.
once you are both at the top ask her or him for help to become a deep sea meramid.
they should say yes and that they can help.if they say that they cant help you wait fo the next
full moon and start from the begining.
repeat the meditation till your legs start to hurt.
once your legs hurt imagen your chi (white light) move from your stomach to your legs taking fourm of your tail.
come out of the meditation and your eyes should go to the full moon.
now concentrate on becoming a mermaid.hold 5 shells in one hand and a stalk of coral and a flower in the other.
now say"i give because i'm generous.i take because i ask.what i well deserve is what i will get.
i deserve to become a mermaid.i need to become a deep sea mermaid..i will get my mermaid tail.
so it be and so it is."
once you are done with that go to your bathroom and fill the tub as high as it will go.
once it is full put in 1 cup of salt and 15 drops of blue food coloring.
lock the door and light 2 white candles and place one on both sides of the tub.
place a small flat shell in your mouth(make sure it's clean) get into the tub and go under the water.
you need to hold your breath as long as you can,when you feel the need to come up for air DON'T!!!
just keep holding your breath and it will get esier,in your mind just keep thinking i can hold my breath forever
im a mermaid ,a deep sea mermaid over and over.once you REALLY need to come up for air,
come up and take the shell out of your mouth and blow out the candles.relak in the tub for about 30 min.
the second part of the spell needs to be done on a new moon.
this has to be done at sun set.
go in your bathroom and lock the door.
you need to make a circle out of white candles big enough for you to sit in.
take 4 conch shells and put 1 infront of you 1 behind you and 1 on each side of you.
sprinkle sand or dirt in the center of the circle.light the candles then turn off all the lights,and get in the circle.
take out a pice of paper .and then in blue ink write.....
i wish to be a deep sea meramid,this is my only wish so please let it come true.
when you are writing that down imagen your wish coming true,or imagen what you want.
once you do that take out a pice of your hair and tape it over the words "i wish to be a deep sea mermaid"
tape it so the words are conected.fold up the paper.
once you fold the paper set it in your lap and forget about it.
now you need a small mixing bowl full of water.
take off your clothing then take the bowl of water and hold it in your hands then say
"oh great one,my god,i call upon you in need
of your help.bless this water.(hold up bowl of water)bless this water with your power.with your purification
,with your healing and creating powers.bless this water.(put bowl down and stand up ,rub the water ,all of
the water on your legs.)when you are done say"with this water you so blessed,may this harm none,
the spell is done,so mote it be 3x3x3.let me swim in the sea ,a mermaid to forever be."
pick up the pice of paper and hold it over the candle directly infront of you.
let the paper burn.take the ashes and stuff it in the shell behind you.
blow out the candles then turn on the lights.put the shell with the wish paper in a place
you will forget about it.
the next morning take the shell you hid and then burry it in your yard.
powers are,controlig water,frezzing objects,heating water,creating fire,telepthy,
seeing in the dark,creating light,and super strength.
the spell can take up to 6 months to work.and
at the very least 2 weekks.
warnig:there are side effects.i dont know what they all are,but when you are about to get your tail you will just about do crazy because you are conected to every ounce of watr on earth.