1. The bairn that is born on fair Sunday
Is bonny and loving, and blithe and gay.
Monday's bairn is fair in the face,
Tuesday's bairn is full of grace,
Wednesday's bairn is loving and giving,
Thursday's b... Read more of Babyhood at Superstitions.ca
I typically recommend to customers that they begin money drawing ritual three (3) days before the Full Moon, the night of the moon and three days after - thus 7 days of ritual. This is the best phase to perform this type of work - feel free to check out the timing section of the Magical Primer for alternate time frames.
You will need:
2 Green Offertory Candle
Money Drawing Jar Candle
Money Drawing Oil
2 7 Money Drawing Bath Herbs Mix
Money Drawing Incense
Ground Cinnamon or Magnetic Sand
Incense Burner
A Gallon Jug of Natural Spring Water
Black Sharpie-type marker
Clean white cloth
Bible, Book of Psalms, Preprinted Affirmation or Prayer
An empty jar or bottle enough to hold 4 cups of water.
A needle, toothpick or other sharp implement to mark candles
Optional : Six Additional Perfumes, Oils, Powders
Advanced Preparation:
Combine the two bags of Money Drawing Bath Herbs and reserve a handful to the side in a small dish for candle dressing. Place the herbs in a quart-sized pan on the stove and cover with tap water. Bring to a boil and turn off the stove. Cover the pot and allow herbs to steep in the water for 21 minutes.
Open the gallon of natural spring water and pour some water out on the side - in a cup or bowl. Strain the herbs out of the water and add the resulting liquid to the jug. Top the jug off with the left over spring water - so your gallon is full. The next step is to divide the gallon jug into seven equal parts, so that you have seven days of bath liquid. Do this by making six equal distanced lines on the side of the plastic jug with a black marker. It doesn't have to be a perfect measurement!
This bath liquid can be prepared in advance of your ritual and stored in the refrigerator. You may also choose to add six (6) other ingredients to the bath liquid for added potency. Common additions are : Glory Water, Holy Water, Lodestone Perfume, Money Drawing Perfume, Siete Machos Perfume, Abre Camino Perfume, Attraction Perfume, Chango Macho Perfume, Yemaya Perfume, Lotion of Pompeii, Kolonia Orange Cologne, Showers of Gold Powder or any combination of Money Drawing oils . The important concept is to add seven (7) total ingredients to the Spring Water. The 7 Herb Bath Mixture counts as one (1) item, so you need to mix and match six more oils, powders and perfumes if you so desire.
On your altar or work space, draw a circle in Ground Cinnamon or Magnetic Sand. Using a Toothpick or Needle, mark and dress the Money Drawing Jar Candle and the two Green Offertory Candles. You might also write a petition for money to the spirit on white, unlined typing paper or parchment paper. This can be done in Dove's Blood Ink. I advise marking the jar candle with your initials and a command like: "Bring Me Money!". Then carve your full name 7 times into each offertory candle. Anoint the Jar Candle in a clockwise motion with Money Drawing oil. Anoint the two offertory candle with the oil from top to bottom.
Next, crush the Bath Herbs Mixture that you reserved, sprinkling some into the top of the jar candle and rolling the two offertory candles in the herbs to complete the dressing procedure.
Now it's time to take the bath.
Draw an amount of semi-warm water in the tub - enough to cover your thighs when sitting. Pour the first day's amount of liquid bath mix (own to the first line on your jug). If you do not have a tub, pour your first day's bath liquid into a large plastic or Tupperware type bowl and add tap water once in the shower.
Prepare your Charcoal so you can burn incense. Place the Incense Burner on the floor outside of the tub (or shower) between the two dressed offertory candles. You might put each candle on its own saucer. You need to leave enough room between the three items for you to stand, as you will be smoking your body with incense after you leave the tub. Have your incense, Bible, Psalms or Prayers within reach in the bathroom.
Go to your altar or workspace and light your Jar Candle. Meditate, pray and visualize your intentions for a few minutes.Your ritual cycle begins at this point. Stay focused. (This jar candle should be allowed to burn out completely at this point - once lit it stand vigil over the ritual and should not be extinguished).
Now, light the two offertory candles and get in the tub or shower. You can take some time in meditating or praying for your needs at this point. Once you feel ready, pick up your clean wash cloth and wet it in the bath mixture. Begin wiping UP your body from feet to head. You want to visualize drawing money, having money, counting money, spending money. Keep the cloth wet and try to cover the whole body with the liquid. Do the best you can on your backside. Once your whole body has been wiped, you can consider it one completed cycle. You need to do seven (7) cycles of washing.
When finished, step out of the tub and shake the excess water from your hands. Do not use a towel - you need to AIR DRY. Add more incense to your charcoal and stand over the burner with your feet planted in between the two offertory candles. Pick up your Bible, Prayers or Affirmation and begin to read them while the smoke goes over your body. You want to repeat each prayer seven (7) times.
Once finished, dress in clean, light colored clothing. Add about 1/2 cup of the remaining bath water to a clean jar or bottle. Allow the incense and offertory candles to burn out - saving the wax and the incense remains.
You should bathe every day for seven (7) consecutive days in a row. You do not have to use the incense and two offertory candles for the remaining six days unless you want to. It is okay to go to your dressed money drawing (at your altar or workspace) and say your prayers after you have dried and dressed from the bath.
Each day add more of your remaining bath water to the clean bottle or jar. When the bathing cycle is complete, you will need to dispose of your ritual items : the jar containing a portion from each of the 7 days of bath; your incense, charcoal and ash; your offertory candle wax and your jar candle.
You have a two good options for disposal. You might tie everything into a bundle of white or green cloth and bury it in the front of your house. You can also make a small tied-up bundle of the incense remains and candle wax and deposit it in a church pew - pouring the remaining bath water on the steps of the church as you leave. If you choose this option, scrape the remains of the Jar Candle into the packet and dispose of the glass in your garbage.