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Damiana Botanical Name: Turnera Di
Evening Primrose (10% Gla) {oenothera
Psychic Powers Ointment #2
Pagan Power Incense
Prosperity Spell
Spring Equinox
Dragon's Blood Ink
Hex Breaking Ointment
Citrine: For Congestion, Either Physic
Lavender Bath
Oils And Rituals
Amber: This rich scent is used to harmonize the aura, and bring the yin and
yang into balance within one's self. Planetary rulerships: Mercury
Apple: This oil is best worn between the Autumn Equinox and Yule for its high
energy of wisdom in Magick. Planetary rulerships: Venus - Deity rulerships: Aphrodite
Basil: Used to soothe tempers between lovers in troublesome times; it is also
good for love potions, wealth, floor washes, and protection spells.
rulerships: Mars - Deity rulerships: Vishnu, Erzulu
Bay: Best used for clairvoyance and to enhance psychic visions, but also
known for protection. Planetary rulerships: Sun - Deity rulerships:
Apollo, Faunus, and Eros
Bergamot: In herbal folklore, it is said that the oil of Bergamot leaves, when
rubbed on money, will ensure the return of riches; it is also well known for
prosperity spells.
Planetary rulerships: Mercury
Carnation: This sweet and floral scent is traditionally used to ensure
strength and good health, and for protection. In candle Magick, it is used as
an aid in path working. Planetary rulerships: Sun - Deity rulerships: Jupiter
Cedar: The oil from this sacred tree is used for purification, and to rid a
person of bad dreams. Planetary rulerships: Sun
Cedarwood: Used in Magick for wealth and prosperity. Planetary rulerships:
Jupiter - Deity rulerships: Wood Nymphs
Cherry: Used in all love Magick for attraction. Planetary rulerships: Venus
Cinnamon: In it's oil form, it is known to raise spiritual vibrations, draw
money, and stimulate psychic powers. Planetary rulerships: Sun - Deity
rulerships: Venus and Aphrodite
Clove: It is worn to attract the opposite sex; in candle Magick it is used to
gain prosperity. Planetary rulerships: Jupiter
Coconut: This oil is worn to ensure chastity, in a literal or magickal sense.
Planetary rulerships: Moon
Cypress: Also known as the tree of death, this oil is used in Magick in times
of requiem and mourning. It is worn to strengthen longevity of life and for
Planetary rulerships: Saturn - Deity rulerships: Mithras, Pluto, Artemis,
Cupid, and Hecate
Frankincense: Sacred to the Egyptians, this oil is worn to protect against
negativity, and is used as a sacred anointing oil. Planetary rulerships: Sun
- Deity rulerships: Ra and Baal
Gardenia: Sacred to the Goddess, this oil is used to bring peaceful
vibrations and to attract good spirits into the circle. Planetary rulerships: Moon
Geranium: This sweet floral scent is used to attract others in matters of love;
Planetary rulerships: Venus
Honeysuckle: Wear to increase psychic abilities and clairvoyance; in candle
Magick, use to increase money and prosperity. Planetary rulerships: Jupiter
Jasmine: This moon flower is worn at night to induce sleep and cause
prophetic dreams; in candle Magick it is used for love and dream Magick.
Planetary rulerships: Moon - Deity rulerships: Vishnu
Juniper: This woody, pine scent is used as an aid in meditation and spiritual
enlightenment. In Magick, it is used to allmunicate with animals.
Planetary rulerships: Sun
Lavender: This bittersweet flowery scent is used in healing and to bring
peace into a troublesome relationship. Also known for magicks pertaining to
memory, peace and happiness. Planetary rulerships: Mercury
Lilac: This gentle, sweet scent is used in candle Magick, as an aid in mental
development and past life recollection. It is worn to keep away baneful spirits.
Planetary rulerships: Venus
Lily: This oil is best used magickally to stop manipulation in love affairs.
It is also worn for its protective energy. Planetary rulerships: Moon -
Deity rulerships: Venus, Juno, and Kwan Yin
Lime: This citrus oil is used for healing, love and protection.
Planetary rulerships: Sun Lotus Used for healing energies and fertility. Also known to
attract good fortune. Planetary rulerships: Moon
Magnolia: This oil is used to maintain a faithful relationship.
Planetary rulerships: Venus
Musk / Dark Musk: This oil is worn as a sexual attractor, and
stimulates the psychic body; magickally, it is used to anoint the censor. Planetary rulerships: Venus
Myrrh: One of the sacred anointing oils, it is worn for blessing, protection,
and consecration; magickally it is used for purification and meditation.
Planetary rulerships: Moon - Deity rulerships: Isis, Adonis, Ra, and Marian
Narcissus: This scent is good for ove alling restlessness, and creating
harmony. When worn with patchouli, it creates a high sexual atmosphere.
Planetary rulerships: Mercury
Orchid: This sensuous, floral scent is worn to attract love; in candle
Magick, it is used for creativity, psychic perception, and mental clarity.
Planetary rulerships: Venus
Patchouli: The rich, earthy smell is best known for its capabilities to raise
high sexual energy; in candle Magick, it is used to increase prosperity.
Planetary rulerships: Saturn
Pine: This evergreen scent, best worn during Yuletide, is used to cleanse the
aura; in candle Magick, it is used to increase prosperity. Planetary
rulerships: Mars - Deity rulerships: Cybele, Pan, Venus, Attis, Dionysus, Astarte
Rose: This rich, seductive scent is used to promote thoughts of love and
affection. In Magick, it is used in all aspects of love Planetary rulerships:
Venus - Deity rulerships: Hathor, Eros, Cupid, Demeter, Isis, and Adonis
Sage: This oil is best used for purification of self, and one's home. It is
also known for longevity, wisdom, and power. Planetary rulerships: Jupiter
Sandalwood: This is known to be one of the most spiritual oils, and an
excellent base for most anointing oils; it is also used for healing,
meditation, and prayer. Planetary rulerships: Moon
Vanilla: This very soothing scent increases loving and lustful energy.
Planetary rulerships: Venus
Vetiver: This oil is worn to attract a lover; it is used in candle Magick to
repel negativity. Planetary rulerships: Venus
Violet: This light, floral scent is used in healing, wards off evil, and
helps smooth out tensions in a love affair. Planetary rulerships: Venus
Ylang - Ylang: A very soothing oil, used in all aspects of healing. And is used in sex Magick.
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