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"the other side of the case," as well as the affirmative side. We have
given much space to the presentation and consideration of the arguments
advanced by those convinced... Read more of Arguments Against Reincarnation at
The Lesser Banishing Ritual Of The Pentagram (lbrp)
The practice of the Lesser Banishing Ritual is something commonly discussed in magical circles. There is not much information on its true origin, although it is utilized widely in Western Magick. We know that it has been around in some form since the nineteenth century, popularized by the Golden Dawn order.
I offer a version of it here because it is a 'good' practice, no matter what your religion or magical belief. Some may say the LBR is a focused meditation, and beneficial in centering oneself. Some agree that it creates a sacred and protected space upon the Astral Plane from which the magician can perform magick and safely communicate with entities. I believe it open doors. It is healing and soothing while being simultaneously empowering. It also promotes a still mind, free of outside influences which is a useful aid in meditation. If it really does provide protection on the astral than all the better! In my experience it can be helpful in shielding noise - both audible and psychic - allowing one to truly relax and sleep.
This ritual can be done loudly or silently. It can be done without movement - visualizing the movement of light tracing the necessary lines. While the preferred method is to intone the words (chanted or sung) or sacred names, whispering them can be just as effective.
This LBRP is divided into three parts.
Begin by taking three deep breaths. Let each out slowly. Yoga breathing techniques are great to employ before beginning. You want to allow tension and outside distractions to fade. Bring your mind to a meditative state.
PART ONE - The Qabbalistic Cross
The first exercise, the Qabbalistic Cross may be performed in a second, at any moment of crisis, during trance, or during a pause in a larger group ritual, to strengthen, make secure, and concentrate one's consciousness. It effectively activates the heart chakra, making it an appropriate background exercise for healing and self healing, for achieving inspiration, and for all other 'heart' practices. It fills the aura with the cleansing light of the Higher Self, which protects one from psychic dangers without fighting.
Stand facing East. Feet shoulder width apart.
- Touch forehead with first two (or index) fingers of right hand and visualizing a sphere of white light at that point, vibrate: AH-TAY( Ateh translates roughly - Unto Thee in Hebrew)
- Lower hand to solar plexus (middle of chest) and visualize a line extending down to your feet, vibrate: MAL-KOOTH (Malkuth means 'the Kingdom')
- Raise hand and touch right shoulder visualizing a sphere of light there. Vibrate: VAY-GEH-BOO-RAH (Ve Geburah means 'and the power')
- Extend the hand across the chest tracing a line of light and touch the left shoulder where another sphere of light forms. Vibrate: VAY-GEH-DOO-LAH (Ve Gedulah means 'and the glory')
- Clasp hands in center of chest at crossing point of horizontal and vertical lines of light. Vibrate: LAY-OH-LAHM (Le Olam is 'for ever - amen')
PART TWO - Drawing the Pentagram
Lesser Banishing RiutalFacing east, take either the first two fingers of your right hand extended together (universal athame) or a dagger, trace a large pentagram with the point up, starting at your left hip, up to just above your forehead, centered on your body, then down to your right hip, up and to your left shoulder, across to the right shoulder and down to the starting point in front of your left hip. Stab you fingers or dagger into the center and vibrate: YOHD-HAY-VAVJ-HAY (YHVH or Yahweh is the tetragrammaton translated as Jehovah)
Turn to the south. Trace a line from the east pentagram to the south. Make a pentagram while facing South, except vibrate: AH-DOH-NAI-EE (another name for god translated as Lord)
Turn to the West, tracing your line from south to west. Trace a Pentagram but vibrate: AY-HAY-EE-AY (Eheieh is more or less - another name of God translated as I AM or I AM THAT I AM Or "I will be" )
Turn to the North, again tracing the line from west to north. Make another Pentagram but vibrate: AH-GAH-LAH-AAH (Agla - a composite of Atah Gibor le olam Amen )
Return again to the east, tracing the line from North to East. Stab the fingers or dagger back again into the same spot as in step .
You should now visualize that you are surrounded by four flaming pentagrams connected by a line of fire. [Note: Some people say to visualize blue other say only white and I have seen others say yellow. This is up to you.]
Extend your arms out to your sides, forming a cross.
Vibrate (visualizing each Archangel standing guard at each station):
- Before me RAAF-AYE-EL (Rapheal)
- Behind me GAB-RYE-EL(Gabriel)
- On my right hand, MIKH-AYE-EL (Michael)
- On my left hand, AUR-AYE-EL (Auriel)
PART THREE: Final Qabbalistic Cross and Visualization
Lenmniscate or Infinity Sign[Note: This last section is very difficult. It requires three visualizations to occur at once: 1.) The pentagrams you made which are hanging in space and connected by a thin thread. 2.) A star of David hanging above your head. 3.) Through your body, shaped and directed by your hands and arms, a lemniscate(better known as the infinity sign). All of this is occurring while you say the next phrase. Take your time, stabilize your energy and wait until you get there. It takes practice and patience!]
Say: For about me flames the Pentagrams, and in the column stands the six-rayed star. (Alternatively the last two lines can be: Before me flames the pentagram, behind me shines the six-rayed star)
Repeat the Qabbalistic Cross (Part One). Visualize Raphael is in the East, Gabriel in the West, Michael in the South and Auriel/Uriel in the North. . You may end the exercise with an "Amen" to seal it.
This last cross is very powerful, as it is performed in sacred spaceThe LBRPs should be allowed to dissipate naturally. They do not need to be "taken down" Nor do you need to cut entry or exit into the space like a Sacred Circle.