The haunted room forms part of the old house, with windows looking into
the court. It adjoins a tower built for defence, for Corby was,
properly, more a border tower than a castle of any consideration. There
is a winding staircase in this ... Read more of The Radiant Boy Of Corby Castle at Scary
A poppet to represent the person you wish to bind; Patchouli leaves ; Frankincense;
Charcoal block; Black candle; Red ribbon; White cloth
Make a poppet to represent the person you wish to bind.
Burn patchouli leaves and frankincense on a charcoal block.
Light a black candle and pass the poppet through the incense smoke saying:
Hecate, great Goddess of life and death,
I ask you to acknowledge that this Creation of cloth be known as Flesh and blood of.(name).
Wrap the poppet tightly in red ribbon, paying close attention to the area you wish to bind,
i.e.: the genitals of a rapist, the mouth of a slanderer. As you wrap, say:
Between the worlds in Hecate's eyes you (name) are bound powerless.
In the eyes of this world, you are harmless.
Imagine a heavy net made from a white light. Imagine the net clinging to the poppet.
Wrap it in a piece of white cloth and bury it close to the person's house
(or by the ocean and bid the sea to bless it).