This is typical of the cup being too often consulted by some people. It
is almost void of meaning, the only symbols indicating a short journey,
although the flower near the rim denotes good luck, and the fact that
the bottom is clear that n... Read more of INTERPRETATION at Tea
You will need: a black candle; a sheet pf paper with the words: MY SECRET written in pencil on side, and your actual
secret on the other; and eraser (if there is already one on your pencil--fine.)
What to do: Light the black candle, say the following words while erasing the letter M:
As I erase one letter away
You'll forget my secret (the person's name) today,
And when the last letter is erased and burned
My secret to you--shall never return!
Snuff out the candle. Every night earse the next letter. When the letter T is erased, use the flame of the candle to burn the paper, and say: So mote it be!